Of the subject and the drifts of subjectivation; from Freud to Lacan


  • Marta Labraga de Mirza




The author brings forth sorne of the questions and difficulties of the concept of "subject" and subjectivation in psychoanalysis
steming from a Freud's actual reading and Lacan's central aspects theorisation apart from the way other disciplines
conceive the notion of subject. The word subject in Freud as the object correlate comes from classical philosophy and grammar. But Freud turns it into the subject of the instincts, arising from constitutive division of human being and the different functions of the conscious and the inconscious. This is what led him to propose the subject  of desire, excluded from the privilege of the conciousness and from the subject of the knowledge as it is seen in the dream, in the phantom or in the symptom.
The adaptative perspective where it could exist a harmonius relationship between a subject and its object of satisfaction is
not related with the psychoanalitical perspective from the original indefension and the human being's dependance as a
significant "other". Freud's work makes the notion of representation and the notion of subject as a problematic issue
but it is Lacan who conceives the subject as radically dependent of the significant chain, when he considers the close
relationship between the unconscious and the language. From this perspective we question the subjectivation with relation to history, literature, and contemporary cultural context. 


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Enfoques teóricos: la subjetividad

How to Cite

Of the subject and the drifts of subjectivation; from Freud to Lacan. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 100, 299-317. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1542

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