Sexuality: the unconscious


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


sexuality, wish, drive


The term sexuality constitutes one of the Freudian Grundbegriefe, a fundamental concept (Freud, 1915: 113) since sexuality comprises genitality but extends beyond it, and it implies a symbolic level that structures the psyche.
Sexuality gathers together, in the Freudian conception, the vital and the aggressive, offering both narcissistic and oedipal profiles. Death and castration constitute the strongest bastion. Freud breaks the linearity of his first texts, in the Project, with the
Proton Pseudos and the deferred action; the latter anchored in the two structuring times of the phantasy and the symptom.
The phantom takes hold of the unconscious subjectivity which is built from the «seen» or «heard» (therefore the imprinting of the other-Other) and will always be the expression of a wish. The child sublimates his impotence in the omnipotence of his play and
phantasy, which display his creativity. The paper underscores the importance of the subjectivizing negativity,
which modifies the uncanny profile of the death drive. The paper emphasizes, based on both Freud and Lacan, that it is not
the Ego that should emerge from the unconscious, but the Subject of the unconscious wish that circulates among signifiers, building phantasies, symptoms, or each and every one of the formations of the unconscious, which are, of course, our objective when we listen to the transference.


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Author Biography

  • Myrta Casas de Pereda

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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Lacan, J. (1957-1958). Las formaciones del inconsciente. El seminario. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Saal, F. (1983). El amor y la sexualidad. La reflexión de los conceptos de Freud en la obra de Lacan. Coloquios de la Fundación 3, México: Siglo XXI.




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