Some considerations on creativity and its enemies in the use and elaboration of our psychoanalytic theories


  • Mercedes Puchol Martínez Asociación Psicoanal´ítica de Madrid



psychoanalytic therory, creativity, working through, fanatism, paradigm


Starting from the premise that creativity is an interweaving between inspiration, symbolisation and thought (Olmos, 2021),
crossed by a dialectic between desire and prohibition where something of the order of transgression comes into play (Kachinovsky, January 2022), the author proposes to show a set of considerations around creativity in the use and elaboration of our theories.
The importance of maintaining an open dialogue with theories that allows us to carry out a personal elaboration is highlighted, understanding this concept in its double aspect of both transformation and invention and/or ideation of something complex. At the same time, we reflect on the phenomena that can hinder and even attack the possibility of personal elaboration and a genuinely creative use of our theories. Factors that may be related to fanatical functioning of the mind, which tend to simplification and reductionism, as well as to narcissistic aspects that lead to the «appearance of creativity», giving rise to both confusion and appropriation of the other’s thinking.
It is concluded that all of the above is also linked to our professional ethics as well as that of interrelation and solidarity among humans.


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How to Cite

Some considerations on creativity and its enemies in the use and elaboration of our psychoanalytic theories. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 135.

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