Subjectivity and Psychoanalysis. The implication of the psychoanalyst
sujeto, complejo de Edipo, grupo, sociedad, subjetivaciónAbstract
This paper analyzes, in the first place, different possibilities available to establish a relationship between areas of different order
Damián Schroeder such as psychoanalysis and subjectivity. In the second place, the paper deals with new forms of subjectivity and the way in which they question us regarding some of the various conceptions of the Oedipus Complex and the old and new debates it arises. A reference is made to the group and institutional dimensions of subjectivity. Finally, the paper proposes to substitute the concepts of indirect countertransference, and countertransference in a broad sense, for the notion of implication. The analysis of implication means to account for the social, political and economic conditions, for the construction of different “knowledges” and for the technical elements that form any given social practice, among which that of the psychoanalyst is included. The elucidation of such implication is part of the analytic stance and of the power for subjectivization that the analytic experience has
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