The paradox of organizing destruction


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


agresión, destrucción, simbolización, interpretación, desamparo, uso del objeto, cambio, material clínico


The author’s intention is to take Winnicott’s paradoxical ideas on aggression and des truction and combine them with the notions on the use of the object. Thus, the author intends to reflect upon moments that are essentially
dynamic, both of psychic structuring and of transference work and production. They are constitutive elements which determine ideas of loss and substitution included in “the use of the object”. Their high degree of abstraction enables us to place them in view of symbolisation as a nuclear part of neurosis. At the same time, for Winnicott, the ideas of health and sickness depend
on how the “other one” responds to aggression and destruction. For want of, there stems the violence of helplessness, which leaves the person without symbolic and structuring resources. The author tries to approach Freud’s and Winnicott’s ideas on “destruction” in its vital function of “cutting out” (possession for Winnicott, seizure in Freud) and also assesses Freud’s idea on the death 
impulse as enabling life. This piece of work gives a special importance to Winnicott’s idea that the motion will or won’t be destructive depending on the answer received by the “other one”. This strongly reverts a geneticist view. It is an explanation on the
function of the “other one” (his unconscious drive as “other one”) in his course to the impulse.


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Trabajando con Winnicott

How to Cite

The paradox of organizing destruction. (2003). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 98, 117-136.

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