Psychic structuring and the contemporary social context


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


estructura edípica, desmentida, función paterna, simbolización, sociedad


Psychoanalysis, its theory and practice, are immersed in an era of changes and claim for a renewed approach in order to undertake the unconscious in motion. The social system evolves towards psychic structuring, through diachronic and synchronic orders of the
personal historization. The author stresses on the fact that the subjectivation network is based on the importance of the alienation-separation process where the loss buoys a “mourning for infancy” (structural mourning). This notion tries to underline a main vicissitude in symbolization processes. This opens up to a double track: to be loved (imaginary love order) and to be desired (symbolic order of the unconscious parenthood desire), which can result, at the same time, in structuring effects, or effects on the psychic individual. This is linked to the uneasiness as to which elements of the collective, family and social present organizations become law, which might enable the referred to libido investment, or might leave one person dominated by the other. Incest prohibition enables investment because it separates the child from parenthood. A series of questions v are then posed about outstanding effects and ways of working out of our present time, being one of the main questions, precisely, the erasing of the phallic value in favour of narcissism.


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Psychoanalysis and Community

How to Cite

Psychic structuring and the contemporary social context. (2000). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 92, 199-208.

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