The subject and object of countertransference


  • Damián Schroeder


identificación proyectiva, transferencia, contratransferencia, campo psicoanalítico, sujeto supuesto saber, reseña conceptual


Countertransference has been and still is a great technical, metapsychological and clinical  “knot”. During clinical presentations we often hear assertions and references to Countertransference, which point out the intricate and controversial problem of patient
and analyst involvement. Who are then object and subject in Countertransference? The word Countertransference is only mentioned twice in Freud’s books.Nevertheless, there are passages in his work in which there is an implied reference to
Countertransference, which have encouraged subsequent studies.On that score, the contributions of P. Heimann, E. Racker, M. Neyraut, J. Lacan, M.Baranger, W. Baranger and B. de León are pointed out.This piece of work underlines the importance of not losing sight of the coherence between clinical practice and the different psychopathological varieties approached in it,
the technical devices we use in our work and the theoretical grounds we deal with 


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How to Cite

The subject and object of countertransference. (2000). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 92, 137-158.

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