Psychoanalysis with Children; Task under Construction


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


teorías sexuales infantiles, estructura edípica, fantasma, simbolización, psicoanálisis de niños, material clínico, reseña conceptual


This paper gathers some previous and current contributions on the clinical practice with children. Development and subjectivity create a dynamic, live, diachronic and synchronic fabric the outcome of which is the child’s possibility of “disposing” of his or her body and speech. The elements of the child’s discourse are detailed using of some clinical examples where the metapsychological profile of the “mise-en scène” encompasses the conceptualisation of the act as discourse (signifier value), sketching in turn a tight conjunction of the real and reality which demands and convokes discriminations. This is the other element that adds its own profiles around symbolisation in the psychoanalysis of children. What is given to be seen, the image, condenses the presence of wishing phantasies where representational movements converge together with the effects of defensive mechanisms restricting the insistence of drives. Some sort of authorised act is indicated for this transferential space, reformulating the notion of neutrality. Certain emergents likewise appear in the analyst, configuring unavoidable counter-transferential acts. In turn, the operation of the parental functions constitutes a relevant bias in this task, because listening to symptoms each time allows for the acknowledgement of the impact of the parental desire actualised in the transferential relationship.


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Author Biography

  • Myrta Casas de Pereda

    Miembro Titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

Psychoanalysis with Children; Task under Construction. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 35-53.

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