Subject, Object and I in Psychoanalysis


  • Juan Carlos Capo


teoría lacaniana


Introduction. Lacan'approaching a object since: anxiety, love, desire, disturbance, embarrassment, impediment, enjoyment 's
 - dialectic and melancholy prison. The a object designates the metaphor failure. So at that place, significant ' s lacking, satys enjoyment. The I (moi).- Lacan will maintain that the I (moi) is subject of unknowledgment. The subject (Lacan) . The references are the spaltung of language and subject 's division. The Anxiety's Seminar (1963) does not accept desire's intention. What to say about love? What to say about desire? The point is not about desire's aim, but about desire's condition, which Lacan illustrates with the presence of anguish at the presence of the Real. The object cause can not be conceived without the notion of waste, rest, or "pound' s meat". On following Lacan ' illustrations, topology will replace with mythology. The subject will dislodge itself from an enjoyment organ stripped of significant imperialism.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Capo

    Miembro Titular de APU


-1) FREUD, S.

a) Nuevas conferencias de introducción al psicoanálisis (1932). En La descomposición de la personalidad (Conferencia 31) Buenos Aires. 1979. Amorrortu Editores. pág. 54.

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c) Lo ominoso. (1919). Tomo XVII. Amorrortu Editores. Buenos Aires. 1979.

-2) LACAN, J.

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l) La angustia. El seminario. 10. (1962-63). Paidós, 2003. Buenos Aires.

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How to Cite

Subject, Object and I in Psychoanalysis. (2009). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 109, 218-229.

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