Transfer, Countertransference and Link: Clinical Approach


  • Beatriz de León de Bernardi


bond, transference, countertransference, homosexuality, clinical material


This paper summarizes the presentation for the panel "Transference, countertransference and bond: a clinical approach",  which was held as a semi plenary session in the XXVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicoanálisis de Fepal (Bogotá September 2010). The writer's comment on the subject stems from a clinical material which was submitted to the Scientific Committee of the congress in order to be used as a starting point for the presentation. The material describes 4 sessions of the analysis of an adult male patient who shows great concern about his sexuality and identity. The notions of transference, countertransference and bond are discussed, emphasizing the way in which these notions were conceived of and used in the clinical material. The writer mentions the analytic theories that emerge in her mind as she reads the clinical material. The paper also indicates how necessary it is for certain aspects of the analytic theory to be reconsidered as regards homosexuality. The paper shows, as well, how the metaphors used in the interpretive activity of the analyst consolidate the establishment of the analytic bond, at the same time as they facilitate the processesbof psychic change.


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Author Biography

  • Beatriz de León de Bernardi

    Miembro Titular de APU


-DE LEÓN DE BERNARDI, B. (2008) Introduction to the paper by Madeleine and Willy Baranger: the analytic situation as a dynamic field. Int. J. Psychoanal (2008) 89:773-784 ). Publicado también en: Beatriz de León de Bernardi - 181 Turkish Annual (The Annuals of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (Turquía) y en Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanálisis 2009 Nº. 108, pp. 198-222.

- (2000): The countertransference: a Latin American view. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, vol. 81, t. 2: 331-351. También publicado en. International Journal of Psychoanalysis Key Papers Series. Key Papers on Countertransference. Karnak Books Ltd. London. 2002. 81-116. Publicado en español como : Contratransferencia: una perspectiva desde Latinoamérica en Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanálisis, 2000. 92: 71-104. En el Libro anual de Psicoanálisis XVI: 217- 238. Editora Escuta LTDA. Sao Paulo 2002. Traducido al portugués en Livro Anual de Psicanálise XVI: 215-234. Editora Escuta LTDA. Sao Paulo 2002.

-NIETO,M; BERNARDI R. COORD. (1996) ALTMANN DE LITVAN, M.; BOUZA DE SUAYA, G.; CÁRDENAS DE ESPASANDÍN, M.; DE LEÓN DE BERNARDI, B.; MIRALDI, A.; URIARTE DE PANTAZOGLU, C. Investigando la experiencia analítica; una propuesta. Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanálisis. N. 83: p. 117-135

-WALLERSTEIN R.S. (2009) Metaphor in Psychoanalysis: Bane or Blessing? Psychoanalytic Inquiry (In press)






Challenges of Contemporary Psychoanalysis

How to Cite

Transfer, Countertransference and Link: Clinical Approach. (2010). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 111, 168-181.

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