The roots of consciousness.


  • Gilberto Koolhaas


comunicación preverbal, mutismo, transferencia, contratransferencia, caso clínico


Philosophical anthropology discovers existence as the essence of the humane in man. This concept excludes every substantial interpretation of either body or conscience. Man can only be understood as animated bodiness. (Buytendijk). The
body is, according to Nietzsche, the leading thread of the development of specifically human existence. Considering the human phenomenon as the humanization of the animal body, evolutionism acquires new relevance. The human characteristics mutually condition one another: upright posture, bipedal gait, handedness, reflected movement, socialization,
language, perceptive experience of an objective reality (Gehlen). According to recent calculations, this humanisation has taken place in the course of approximately one million years. It starts with the upright posture (Straus) which frees the hand. The specialization of handedness originates an increase in the encephalic mass, this being a cause of premature childbirth...


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