Scansion into Abyss


  • Juan Carlos Capo


literature, scansion


The author offers in this paper a study of aldo Mazzucchelli´s work on the life and poetry of Julio Herrera y Reissig, great modernist poet. The book is examined under the light of the signifying material that analists work with: letters, significants, signifying affects, metaphors and metonimias. The listening attitude is also present as is the silence that is also heard. The «chemical of syllabels» that Freud mentioned, words as bridges, jokes, puns, are mingles with the poet´s verses and stanzas. it therefore arises the need of metrica, scansion that calls for listening to the «núcleo del ser del hombre» (Freud) that the author names as «abysm».


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Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Capo

    Psiquiatra. Psicoanalista. Miembro Titular de APU


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