On confines…


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


drive, castration, the real, the symbolic, the imaginary, subject of the unconscious


Boundaries of analysis involve the boundaries of the Other, recreated in transference, a transference to which we must grant space and time; an Other we will never manage to fully embrace. The term boundaries is a form of naming castration as it contains the idea of the frontier, the uncertain limits, which leads us close to such notion, since theses are not limits to be crossed, but rather to be installed… and psychic health depends on this. Boundaries of psychoanalysis and its impossible realization, which
leads to idealizations, or their opposite, the devaluations that inexorably give rise to renunciations and disappointments.
These are the scarcities to which we are driven by castration and, at the same time, going through them is our challenge.
Boundaries which refer to an aim that is impossible to reach, but which nurture us in the acceptance and the endless working through of our limits. Symbolic castration that gathers imaginary elements implied in frustration and elements from the Real located in privation.


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Author Biography

  • Myrta Casas de Pereda

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay.


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