Listening to the processes of renunciation and mourning in current family configurations that are the result of medically assisted reproduction


  • Katy Bogliatto Sociedad Psicoanalítica Belga



parentality, mourning, Assisted fertility, Children, Clinical material, Interconsultation


In this paper the author proposes to unfold some facets of the complexity of the psychic work to which each individual is subjected
when he or she approaches a medically assisted procreation service with the desire to become a parent and the hope of creating a family.
It is a life experience that puts to the test the work of psychic transformation and elaboration not only of the sexual, with its different infantile sexual theories. It is however important not to omit and to give a place to the importance of the work of elaboration of psychic renunciations as well as to the psychic processes inherent to the work of mourning. The author illustrates with clinical vignettes the importance of support and accompaniment of patients within a fertility service.


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How to Cite

Listening to the processes of renunciation and mourning in current family configurations that are the result of medically assisted reproduction. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 40-51.

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