Body, Anxiety and Trauma

The Body as the Scene of Psychic Trauma in the Analytic Situation


  • Francisco Carlos dos Santos Filho


body, trauma, tragedy, silence, clinical material


«The pain on the legs started to be part of the conversation» (Freud, 1895, p. 163). This phrase said by Freud about Elizabeth Von R. in «Studies about hysteria», lead us to think about the body as place to the unconscious text, compound by an articulated ghost, represented and suppressed, which keeps on returning. But: what about trauma? Without the intention to give an answer that contains the key to understand the part of the body in traumatism I research, through clinical material, the differences between clarity of the part of the body in hysteria and on those psychic upbringing formations related to trauma, where the gap between body and the world of representations and the psychic devastation transform the analyst in some sort of lonely interpreter that sees the manifestation of the most disconnected things in psychic life without counting with the symbolization possibilities of the patient.


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Author Biography

  • Francisco Carlos dos Santos Filho

    Psicoanalista, doctor en método psicoanalítico y formaciones de la cultura (PUC de San Pablo), profesor titular de la Universidad de Passo Fundo, fundador y presidente del Proyecto Asociación Científica de Psicoanálisis, Passo Fundo, Río Grande del Sur, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Body, Anxiety and Trauma: The Body as the Scene of Psychic Trauma in the Analytic Situation. (2012). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 114, 76-82.

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