Between Memory and Destiny: Repetition
actuación, pulsión de muerte, repetición, construcción, lo arcaicoAbstract
The theme of this paper is based on repetition from the metapsychological, clinical and technical perspective. The author’s
proposal is centered in the fact that in the course of the analysis, different types of repetition come up like fragments and
ramifications of Oedipus, repetition of wounded narcissism and actualization of mnemic traces that come from the psychic/pre
psychic trauma linked to the underground buried. From this point, the contemporary psychoanalysis faces the challenge with three
kinds of repetition: the representative one (oedipic), the “non representative” (narcicistic) and the “unrepresentable” (ungovernable mnemic traces that sometimes disguise like destiny). About the particularities of the drive-object relationship, the
author proposes to distinguish different psychic zones that coexist and are present in different moments of every analysis: the dream zone owner of the repressed unconscious, the zone ofnarcissism, identifications, denial or that of the underground buried. It is in the last one psychic zone, that we see an awful compulsion that stands up in the sense of repetition in act. Sometimes that
underground buried is dragged by the repressed and could acquire some somatic signification. In other cases it pulls along repressed significates, impoverishing the psyche. The analysis should go not only in the way of assemble the “psychic tissue”, but also to work with the patient in terms of attempting to re-create this lost psychic tissue.
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