Subjectivity in adolescence


  • Alceu Roberto Casseb


subjetividad, adolescencia, sociedad, cultura, material clínico


Julian is a pseudonym that l choose to bring up some aspects of the subjective life of my patient concern the main character of
the Stendhal´s book named The black and the red. On the other hand my patient would not put into first sight slyness, since he is
used to an environment which fakeness, deception, lack of authenticity and the culture of results prevails over any kind of
virtuosity. This environment that contains a violent advertising attitude, faking any believe drive to the objects, globalization and
its consequence towards the weakness of cultural identity and also informatics that easily creates a escape towards greedy maniac
defenses, is brought into discussion as an important allied component of the transference working process. The delicate work
with these cultural elements allows the analyst a good possibility to develop a common language and so the identification of the
oedipous matrix mostly projected into the group’s behavior. The transitory quality of the objects can be re-visited in order to restore
a true commitment with the real self and the relationships that is on the actual way.


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