The fox from above and the fox from below by José María Arguedas; the death speech


  • María Gladys Marquisio
  • Andreína Martínez Chenlo


This study proposes a critical reading of a borderline piece of work in American literature: “El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo” by José María Arguedas. This was the author’s last novel, published in 1971 after his death where a man talks about hisagony preceding his suicide. With this cursed text Arguedas takes part in a tradition of breaking the rules of the canonical proIndian movement and undermines the linguistics moulds enhanced by the ”criollo” culture, taking as a starting point codes and materials from the
”quechua” and “andino” cultures and also from the new excluded urban cultures. He shows the downfall of a man and of a whole group of people that as from a destructive personal and social process go back to a state of disintegration.


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ARGUEDAS, J.M. ( 1971) El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo. Buenos Aires: Losada.

ARGUEDAS, J.M (1965) Primer encuentro de escritores peruanos. Lima: Casa de la cultura del Perú.

CORNEJO POLAR, A. (1973) Los universos narrativos de José María Arguedas. Buenos Aires: Losada.

GARRIDO DOMÍNGUEZ (1997) comp.. Teorías de la ficción literaria. Madrid: Arco Libros.

ORTEGA, J. (1992) El discurso del suicida. En: Suplemento Anthropos. Nº 31, marzo

PAVLOVSKY. E. (1991) Adolescencia y mito. Buenos Aires: Ayllu






Literatura y Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

The fox from above and the fox from below by José María Arguedas; the death speech. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 101, 49-58.

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