In raw flesh; an imaginary dialogue with Dyonelio Machado.


  • Carlos dos Santos Filho
  • Dóris M. Wittmann dos Santosn


This paper presents psychoanalytical concepts aiming to contribute in the study of the memory subject and its ressignification. The demanding of reading and writing, narrating memories and imaginary of fantasized experiences, is related to being able to recreate the experiences and transform them, dealing with the traces left in our souls in order to produce new meanings. The memory is not in a fixed state, made out of clear and historically contextualized memories. Fragments left by the lived experience – scars, traces, vestiges – are in the flesh: they come back and impose themselves as urgencies which constrain the individual to the psychic work of speaking, surrounding them with the words and give them meaning, transforming them in memories and feelings. In according to Dyonélio Machado in his memories and in his book “O Louco do Cati” (The crazy man from the Cati), we propose the spoken and written speech as a resource to elaborate traumatic contents situated in between the dialectic intersection of life and death.


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Literatura y Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

In raw flesh; an imaginary dialogue with Dyonelio Machado. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 101, 28-40.

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