Interdisciplinary Treatment of Children Small who Consult for Delay Significant Language and / or Psychomotor

Psychoanalysis and Community


  • Matilde Bonnevaux
  • Ema Ponce de León
  • Claudia Ravera


cuerpo, lenguaje, psicomotricidad, diagnostico diferencial, relación madre-hijo


In this piece of work, we show an interdisciplinary approach for small children, between three and five years old, who consult for an important retardation in language and psychomotor development, and who could be classified as “dysharmonies évolutives” (according to the “French classification of mental disorders in the child and the adolescent” by Misès and others). This diagnosis doesn’t exist in the International (CIM 10) or the American classification (DSM IV), however we could classify it as “Developmental Disorder of Scholastic Skills, Non Specified” (CIM 10:F81.9- DSMIV:F84.9).10 This approach consists of the combination of language and psychomotor treatments for the child and includes therapeutic interviews for parents with the psychoanalyst. We try to show our work based on some clinical vignettes, and we conceptualize it referring to its theoretical grounds. Regarding children, the main issue lies in setting up and restoring the symbolization processes, whether they are missing, detained or altered, aiming at body and language integration. With the parents, we try to favour the narcissistic investments of the parental function and to seek for the missing or hidden sienifiers in order to enable the display of the unsaid of the family history traumas. We seek a deep integration of the treatments, specially those regarding the child, based on a constant exchange among the members of the team. We try to describe and develop conceptually the different stages of those treatments, which follow one another or are superimposed: delimitation of the interior and exterior subjective space, emotional investment of the language, appropriation of the time and space terms of reference, creation of the space for the display of the fantasy scene and the creation of paths towards symbolization. Finally, we point out the progress we have observed in the cases treated under this approach.


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Author Biographies

  • Matilde Bonnevaux

    Médico, fonoaudióloga

  • Ema Ponce de León


  • Claudia Ravera



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Psychoanalysis and Research

How to Cite

Interdisciplinary Treatment of Children Small who Consult for Delay Significant Language and / or Psychomotor: Psychoanalysis and Community. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 207-228.

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