Introduction to the Madeleine and Willy Baranger Work: The analytic Ssituation as a Dynamic Field
campo psicoanalítico, baluarte, interpretación, transferencia, contratransferencia, campo dinámicoAbstract
The paper «The analytic situation as a dynamic field» by Madeleine and Willy Baranger was published for the first time in the Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanálisis in the early sixties; and it exerted an important influence on the analytic thinking of the region and on different psychoanalytic spheres worldwide. The following Introduction to the English version of the paper, published recently in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, places a stress on some fundamental concepts by Madeleine and Willy Baranger in connection with the characteristics of the analytic situation and field, the participation of the analyst, the joint work of the patient and the analyst, the analytic communication, the role of the transference and countertransference, the bastion (baluarte), the interpretation and the insight. These ideas are considered in the context of the main theoretical influences the authors were subjected to, such as M.Klein and S.Freud. A point that is also stressed is the influence of the thought provoking dialogue that Madeleine and Willy Baranger held with significant thinkers from the region such as Enrique Pichon Rivière, Heinrich Racker, Luisa Alvarez de Toledo, Jorge Mom, León Grinberg, and David Liberman. The paper tries to show how the different notions integrated in the concept of field are discussed and confronted with by Madeleine and Willy Baranger against their personal clinical experience. Some further developments of their own ideas are succinctly discussed, all of which were elaborated in a continuous way along their more than 50 years of clinical practice.
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