Natural Times; Built Times


  • Mario Consens


tiempo, antropología, sociedad


The author shows how the time can be measured from multiplex calendars that are symbolical constructions, plurals and diverse. So the time is not a real entity but an existent abstraction in the discourse and regulated by the space related to environment. Puts emphasis in the velocity and in the rhythms of the changes that determines a society and its culture that generates an own temporality. It relies in a taxonomy of the times that segregates the personal time, the public time and the sedimentary time. Runs over the mistakes produced while extracting conclusions about social conducts that indeed have a start point strictly individual. It is pointed the impossibility of these reductions as well of its counterpart, the macro-reductionism that tries, with no chances, to explain little scale phenomenon through data obtained in a macro level. Micro and macro are not just different extentions, they have fundamentally diverse properties, which are not interchangeable. The summatory of the individual patterns does not let us to foretell the group, because the macroprocesses produce its own phenomenon with forms of articulation that do not exist in the micro-processes.


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