Problems in the Field of Transference-countertransference; Current Perspective and Validity of our Roots
transferencia, contratransferencia, autoanálisis, neutralidad, psicoanalista, intersubjetividad, teoría, regresión, palabra, inconscienteAbstract
Departing from different metapsychological perspectives, and from some general problems connected with transference and countertransference, I hereby deal with some issues which I consider to be relevant for this theme. Even though in the initial instances both concepts appear bound to the phenomenon of resistance, subsequently, it has gained recognition the important instrumental value that transference and, most of all, counter-transference have in relation to the evolution of the analytic process and to the possibilities that the analyst has of understanding the patient’s psychic reality. The developments of clinical research allow for a much wider comprehension of the participation of the analyst in the process, turning even more problematic the notions of analytic neutrality and abstinence. I also consider some of the original contributions of the psychoanalytic thought in the
River Plate, which, from my point of view, have a standing importance in current psychoanalytic thought. I reflect about the characteristics of the analyst-patient encounter, and of the intersubjective phenomen a generated during the periods of activation of the transferential and counter-transferential phenomen a through the analytic process. I offer a clinical vignette which illustrates some of the issues in question. Finally, I postulate the need to explore and develop the clinical research in relation to the field of transference-counter-transference. In this sense, I state the complexities involved in the existing relation between the clinical problems emerging in the unique context of each clinical situation, and the diversity or our metapsychological perspectives, more general and abstract.
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