Aspect of the Psychotic Part of the Personality in the Analysis of a Child
parte psicótica de la personalidad, ataque al vínculo, psicoanálisis de niños, material clínicoAbstract
Starting out from the analysis of a child, some aspects are pointed out which correspond to those described by W. Bion as belonging to the psychotic part of personality. Stressing the “clinical manifestations of transference” which are taken as a point of departure, an indication of the movement of mental growth is observed in the passing of anxieties typical of the schizo-paranoid stage to the depressive stage, and in the relationship container-contained. Psychotic functioning is shown in the patient’s typical destructive attacks against his ego, using projective identification mechanisms. One can get a glimpse of these aspects in the clinical manifestions of transference as well as in the attacks against sense organs which allow the perception of what is internal and external. These attacks lead to processes in which the links within thinking are split and primitive thought appears. By means of analysis real forces are allowed to arise, and these will lead to the development of the
patient’s “fragile ego”.
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