The unconscious fantasies of conscious mental processes


  • Gilberto Koolhaas


fantasía inconsciente, juicio de realidad, lenguaje verbal, lactancia, angustia de separación, identificación proyectiva, cuerpo, material clínico


1) The important discovery of the zoologist Portmann —the birth of the human child is a premature birth and the first
year is a year of extra-uterine foetal life—enables to consider the unconscious fantasy as a response of the body to the separation anxiety, being this body a foetal body. Unconscious fantasy has primary process quality, that is to say “establishes a
perception identity” (Freud). The transition of the primary process to secondary process is therefore discovered
now as the transformation of a projective identification into reflexive identification with the other body. According to our hypothesis, language has its origin in this reflexive identification of the human body with the other body. To say, in the sense of uttering, to show each other becomes possible by under-standing the fellowman‟s gesture. The system “bodyintersubjectivity-language” constitutes the perceptive experience of an objective reality, of the “conscience”. II) The psycho-analytical situation leads to a regression of the intersubjective corporal relation, leaving the patient outside of the language in which he dwells. The
words without language appear and the transference psychosis darkens communication. It becomes now necessary to analyze “not what he says with words but what he does when speaking” (Alvarez de Toledo). The patient when speaking speaks his associations, memories, imaginations. Three cases are described where the speaking materializes the respective unconscious fantasies of these mental conscious processes. The speaking in the analytic situation materialized in the patient Q. the unconscious fantasy of the free association: an oral envious greed without limits, directed to the breast and all the contents of the mother.
For the patient P. the speaking materialized the unconscious fantasy of an accumulation of memories: the agressive anal retention and expulsion of his brother, his penis. The patient O. had as an unconscious fantasy of imagination: the aggressive
envious look at the father‟s penis inside the mother. He was bilingual. This fantasy materialized when the analyst started talking his
father‟s language.


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How to Cite

The unconscious fantasies of conscious mental processes. (1964). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 6(1), 64-82.

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