"Normal" hypochondriacal mechanisms in female development


  • Madeleine Baranger
  • Willy Baranger


teoría de la cloaca, angustia, confusión, hipocondría, material clínico


General observation and psychoanalytic experience show the universal presence in women of disturbances of a hypochondriacal type, related specially to their sexual functions. We believe this to be a specific feature of female development. The fantasy known as that of the “sewer” appears to be at the center of these disturbances and to correspond to a specfic type of “confusional” anxiety. The sewer is felt as an intermingling of undifferentiated contests belonging to ah levels of instinctive evolution (corporal substances, parts of objects, etc.). In certain cases, the ego reacts by isolating the sewer within the corporal scheme and setting it up as a separate nucleus, contained within a wrap and this is expressed in fantasies which center on having a “bag” or a “cyst”.
A very frequent defense to ward off the anxiety which results from the “hypochondriac cyst” consists in the belief of the possesion of a “ghost penis”, another alteration of the corporal scheme which is intented to deny hypochondriac anxiety. The “hypochondriac cyst” sees to be related to “female masochism”, to marked erotism of the skin, to “narcissism” in women and to their exhibitionism. It is normally overcome with the experiece of maternity, although it may contribute to make it more difficult, and it occurs in ah psychologic or psychosomatic pathology of female sexuality. 


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How to Cite

"Normal" hypochondriacal mechanisms in female development. (1964). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 6(1), 5-18. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/496

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