
A way of considering it in our world today


  • Susana García Vázquez


oedipus, incest


The aim of the paper is to discuss Oedipus, both as a structure and as a complex, as well as its primary moorings, and to consider if this concept is still valid in our present world. Do changes in the configuration of the family force us to modify this
central theorization of the Freudian construct? The author understands that it is necessary to distinguish the historical,
political and social modes which prevail in our environment from the production of subjectivity from the forms in which the psyche is structured. In her opinion, the Oedipus is still valid in the construction of the psyche, indispensable triangle: an encounter of two, who will generate an other. In this sense, she considers that the fundamental prohibition is that of
the incest, which requires being able to discriminate triangular relationships that reveal dual bonds; from the thirdness, which accounts for the exclusion of the third and belongs to the symbolic order. The author then distinguishes the murder of the father from filicide in act, from incestuous fantasies, where the death of the father finds form, and confronts the subject to castration and to the difference, both of the sexes and the generations.


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Author Biography

  • Susana García Vázquez

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Oedipus: A way of considering it in our world today. (2013). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 117, 85-103. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/366

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