From Corinth to Colono; the ways of oedipus


  • Juan Carlos Capo


complejo de Edipo, novela familiar, investigación sexual héroe


The purpose of this communication look for a review about apogee, trajectory and fall of Oedipus, King of Thebes going to mithological, literary and psychoanalitical sources.These objectives would let us see in these facts, the way Oedipus had to go over, as a exemplifying illustration of the vital trip of every man, from birth to death.The psychoanalitical compass took into account the following parameters: uterine cloister, the trauma of birth and the cataclysmic situation inwhich thehero begins his trip. The ambigous predictions of the oracle as the impelling engine to investigate. The psychoanalitical roots ofthe oracle, summarized as ―destiny machinery‖ remit to the ―command words‖ that without knowing it, have the control of our lives. The word understood as a mythological element, with its heuristic value to access the thing.Later, reviewing the hero, that prominent personage, common to all mythologies and especially the human being tat dissent, that is a debtor, is stubborn and as Prometeus has full conscience of his final defeat.The familiar novel speak about an strangeness, about a ―greatness delirium and poetic invention, anda alienation in respect of lineage‖.The Sphinx enigma is taken from Robert Graves version and permit us to review the diverse psychoanalitical senses of the Theban sphinx. Sélika Acevedo and Carlos Mendilaharsu checkinto LéviStrauss where they found that myths of oedipical kind always assimilate incest to the solution of an enigma.Later, there is a meeting in the tree roads where Oedipus finds his tragic destiny: there, by chance, he meets with Layo, his father. Layo brutally treaten Oedipus to move away from the road. He does not move and ten Layo injure again his foot wit one ofhis charriot. Oedipus gets angry, so he knocks down Layo to earth and drag him with horses until he dies.To this respect. in his book ―Oedipus and the Sphinx enigmas‖, Mario Carlisky says: ―Oedipus is not able to fell any attractionfor a woman that Yocasta. In thesame manner, the only way Yocasta passion can be ignited is by Oedipus. Because in her heart, he evokes memories of the son tat she has as dead...‖ ―This is a crucial moment in which the man in front of a woman, desires but fears to find his mother, and ten he needs from magic and from sexual instincts to surpass his inhibition, his fear of incest, his fear of life‖.In Colono, we have the final part of Oedipus saga, King ofThebes.Antigone and laterTheseus conduct Oedipus through the sacred land of the Eumenideswhere is not permitted to talk. Later, he would be able to talk and he will say tat he is innocent, but he accepts his destiny up to the end.Fromone book of Jacques Lacan ―The Self ego in Freuds theory in the Psychoanalitical Technic‖ is where we find the final comments about ―the word incarnated, lacerated, tearedtaken to its end‖, and that is how Lacan sees the life and Oedipus desire. And also, the final considerations about ―desire, life and death‖ plus the quota of incomprehension and enigma tat surround death.


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How to Cite

From Corinth to Colono; the ways of oedipus. (2021). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 78, 49-64.

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