The cerno of psyhic structuring


  • Susana García Vázquez Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay



Subjectivation, Infantile sexuality, Memory trace, Memory, Transference, Lo originario


In the exchange carried out on the topic of the infantile, the author says that this denomination is pertinent, accepting that words
never account for depth they seek, as long as we accept that we call childish are original marks that are played in the psychic structure,many of them untranslatable into words, buried but with a significant effect on the structure and that is not about childhood but they accompany us throughout our lives, and they can emerge in the form of acts, soma or creativity.
This raises problems in psychoanalytic practice, if we limit ourselves to listening to verbal discourse and free association. Sometimes it is in the analyst that occur, capturing clues and introducing hypotheses in a putting into words that are essential but accepting that they are always imprecise and that they try to dive into the irreductible of the infantile generates repetition and pain but also creativity.


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How to Cite

The cerno of psyhic structuring. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 127-136.

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