The Multiplicity of Sexual Vonfigurations


  • Rosine Jozef Perelberg
  • Martín Amorín


sexuality, neosexuality, father, man, protophantasy, clinical material


In this paper I will suggest that the phantasy of «a father is being beaten» emerges in the analysis of certain male patients in the transition between two configurations, from the «murdered father» to the «dead father». The first configuration –the murdered father– is present in perverse anal-sadistic structures, where the father does not have a symbolic function. The second one –the dead father configuration– suggests the constitution of the symbolic father. In the murdered father configuration patients find it difficult, if not impossible, to give meaning to the role of the father in the primal scene. I give examples of clinical configurations that present difficulties in the elaboration of a masculine position in the primal scene.


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Author Biography

  • Rosine Jozef Perelberg

    Miembro titular con función didáctica de la Sociedad Británica de Psicoanálisis


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How to Cite

The Multiplicity of Sexual Vonfigurations. (2012). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 115, 83-94.

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