Reflections on Anxiety

The Second Expulsion from Paradise


  • Jaime I. Szpilka


Oedipus, castration, anxiety, resignification, repression, sublimation, symbolization, death instinct


It’s emphasized the importance of the creation of the nothing as the moment when the ethical reason is favored over the natural reason, so it considers impossible to talk about a Homo sapiens before the constitution of an Homo moralis. It is the moment of the first expulsion of the paradise. It goes through the different conceptions about the real, when it’s considered as what cannot be said or as what cannot be said because it is said, the psychoanalytic semiology in relation with the oedipical structure, the death pulsion as a figure of the incest, the myth of the master and slave in Inhibition, symptom and anxiety, and the difference between the vacuum and the nothing, as a physical problem in first case and as a legal problem in second case. It’s highlighted that in the anxiety as a signal it’s indicated the danger of an expulsion from the second paradise, losing the protection of the agents of symbolic castration and the imaginary narcissistic ego unity, sustained by the superego and the ideal ego, while in the state of anxiety the subject stays in souffrance in a frightened terrified enjoyment, trapped in the full vacuum of incest that annihilates any possibility of desire. If the anxiety does not lie is because it circulates between the vacuum and nothingness as a constant signal of the pain of life and the lack of being, that the second paradise will never be able to avoid but will only be able to deceive.


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Author Biography

  • Jaime I. Szpilka

    Doctor en medicina. Miembro titular con función didáctica de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina y
    de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid


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How to Cite

Reflections on Anxiety: The Second Expulsion from Paradise. (2012). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 114, 27-58.

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