Repetition from Helplessness


  • Griselda Rebella


desmentida, repetición, trauma, actuación, escisión, material clínico


The paper is an approximation, concerning clinical practice, to certain situations of repetition in act. It is an attempt to explore
how traces of fragile inscriptions, which were minimally symbolized, not signified, can, persist as disconnected remains
and return as destructive acts. With the Freudian concept of splitting as a starting point, some theoretical notions are introduced in order to think over today’s clinical practice, with particular attention to the specificity of neurosis on its borders. Technical questions make it necessary to postulate certain criteria for the use of the transference so as to identify the “psychic fabric”, which is pierced or frayed, and then “weave” with it new meanings, links, symbolic possibilities for the inclusion of the repressed or the split up in a new fabric to be re- created in the “a deux” of the analysis. 


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Repetir, recordar...figuras de la memoria

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