One hundred years of solitude and Solitude of one hundred years


  • Magdalena Filgueira




This text was conceived in the course of the activities commemorating the fifty years of the Uruguayan Psychoanalytical Association (APU), in the second meeting of Literature and Psychoanalysis. I propose that there is an affinity between the writer and the psychoanalyst. Words, either said or written—for both make up a text—unite us and make us brothers. I consider
and weave a literary text, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, with some Freudian metapsychological concepts and texts, such as time-space: that of occurrence, inscribing, meaning, re-meaning, and symbolizing retroactively, all concurrently. Eventually, both the magic-realism novel and the Freudian ideas would encourage us to reflect on what is
discovered in the invented and what is invented in the discovered, within theoretical constructions that try to explain occurring phenomena by interpreting them.


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FREUD, S.; (1928 [1927]. (a) “Dostoievski y el parricidio”, Obras Completas, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, T XXI, 1976.

—————(1937) (b) “Análisis terminable e interminable”, Obras Completas, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, T XXIII, 1976.

GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, G; (1967). “Cien años de soledad”, Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2002.






Literatura y Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

One hundred years of solitude and Solitude of one hundred years. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 101, 7-18.

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