Construction of the child's subjectivity. Some guidelines for organizing a perspective.


  • Maren Ulriksen de Viñar


relación madre hijo, dependencia, separación, estructuración ps´iquica


The Freudian central notion of human helplessness in the beginning of life up to the transformation of the infans in a speaking and wishing subject, entails a complex journey full of obscurities, sprinkled with some partial enlightenment. The analysis of some conditions that we consider necessary in order to permit the construction of the psyche of the child, combine the care of
the human environment, capable of loving and protecting the infans, with his own developing capacities. This process of “subjectivity” includes a paradox: the dependency and subordination of the child to the mother but, at the same
time, a radical process of autonomy and separation. We consider some theories of psychoanalysts such as Bergés and
Marcelli, which far from objectivizing the data from the analysis, emphasize processes of great complexity, always in a movement of construction and deconstruction, of a corporal and affective dialogue marked by the actualisation of desire, both of the infans and the mother in a field of inter-communication.A field of language determined by culture, the instance of the social third. 
The place of dominance of the mother is broken when she allows for places of silence, of emptiness, of no saturation, where she formulates implicit hypotheses that the baby is going to assume from the very beginning of reflex functioning. This inter – communication , in the form it takes over time, will include more complex manners up to the interactive play distinguished by
creativity, surprise, variability and pleasure. It is then that the recognition of the child as other is in play.


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Enfoques teóricos: la subjetividad

How to Cite

Construction of the child’s subjectivity. Some guidelines for organizing a perspective. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 100, 339-355.

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