Horizons of the object relationship


  • Saúl Paciuk


relación de objeto, objeto, sujeto, objeto interno, objeto externo, mundo interno


What does “object relation” involve? It does not imply the “relation with an object” nor persons in a relationship. It is applied to humanity and refers to the idea that “subject” includes an “object”. They are both partial (both are split) and
both change as the object relation in which they take part. We can even say that the relation creates them. The splitting of the object (splitting of its opening up to at hird one) denies its condition as a subject; but the object objects the subject and never misses the mystery of its “inside”. And while clarifying it by making it an object, the subject consumes its life and becomes object of the object. The drive (and atomism) and object relation can be understood as excluding anthropologies, or as one being a special case of object relation. This faces us to the levels of understanding and in this way object relation becomes


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Relación de objeto

How to Cite

Horizons of the object relationship. (2003). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 98, 60-86. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1480