Death Drive and Sexuality


  • Carlos Sopena


sexualidad, pulsión de muerte, repetición, ligazón


This report starts pointing out the revolution that meant for both psychoanalytic theory and practice the inclusion of the death instinct notion. The author then elaborates on the following topics:
1. The study of instincts must take into account the structuring level achieved by the psychic apparatus, because while roaming about the apparatus the instinct will find the barriers and get bound, and will become subordinated to the death principle.
2. The mastering of the instinct includes its entrance into the regulation system as a result of Œdipus complex and the assumption of castration, which articulate the instinct with desire and Eros. The persistence of a pleasure with no mediation, in agreement with the all-powerful narcissist hope of wiping out desire, is a result of the death instinct and means a failure of the processing of impulse.
3. Eros and Thanathos are understood as the different ways in which the one and only instinct, the sexual one, ruled by the pleasure principle or its opposite, Nirvana principle, works.
4. The death instinct shouldn’t be considered equal to the compulsion to repeat, which does not respond only to one tendency and is not always lethal. Repetitions caused by transference aren’t lethal either, enable the work of remembrance, and have to be distinguished from the more instinctual repetitions that work for death.
5. What best defines the death instinct is its silent work and its opposition to every activity implying symbolization, location, linking, signifying, that is, to every category of what can be expressed or thought.
6. Eros and Thanathos are often connected to the tendency to tie and untie respectively. The issue at stake is that both are part of life’s own nature.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Sopena

    Miembro de APU y de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid


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42nd IPA Congress, Nice 2001

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