When Eros tempts Thanatos; some ideas about the so-called 'negative therapeutic reactions' and 'negative transference' linked to the concepts of 'acting out' and 'passage into the act'.


  • Javier García Castiñeiras


reacción terapéutica negativa, transferencia negativa, masoquismo, sentimiento de culpa, actuación, material clínico


The idea proposed by this piece of work is to think about the difference between the negative transference (even those forms that include “acting out” or “passage to act” in their development) and the so called “Negative Therapeutic Reactions”. These, which the author prefers to refer to as Negative Reactions to Transference are sub sequent to an effective or expected improvement and are not going through Negative Transference. They are situated as a border of transference, even as a reversion of the symbolization role of analysis. Following J. Lacan’s distinction between “acting out” and “passage to act”, they are visualized as the last ones. The Negative  Reactions to Transference (classically restricted Negative Therapeutic Reactions) are seen as demolitions of transference when Eros (symbolizationwork of analysis in its progress) tempts an enjoyment of the death impulse. The author refers to rare analytic situations, which are difficult for the analyst and risky for the patient.


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How to Cite

When Eros tempts Thanatos; some ideas about the so-called ’negative therapeutic reactions’ and ’negative transference’ linked to the concepts of ’acting out’ and ’passage into the act’. (2003). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 97, 74-94. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1454

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