The play in "The Dream" by Shakespeare


  • Beatriz Luna de Minuchin
  • Ricardo Antar


juego, creatividad, literatura, simbolización


The aim of this paper is to focus on sorne psychoanalytical concepts about different kinds of plays which a re observed in children’s sessions.  We pay special attention to the creativity process connected with a piece of William Shakespeare’s play “Midnight Summer Dream”. Arnongthe different types ofplays we rnention: no play, pseudo play and proper play. We poínt out the special features of the latter. We thinkthat the creativity is based on the possibility ofbuilding and keeping a special place in the internal world which lodges the parental couple like a “nuptial chamber”, giving it the necessary freedom and privacy for its reparation and creativity.
(Babies and thoughts). The introyective identification with this combined object and its functions establishes the core of creativity and inspiration. It is our goal to show the problerns that the actors have to go through in order to perform the play untill they reach the creative stage. We want to stress the correlation between the links of the actors and the audience and that between the patient and the analyst in the session.


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How to Cite

The play in "The Dream" by Shakespeare. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 82, 195-202.

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