Pandemic of hate: How to combat discourses of hate?


  • Javier García Castiñeiras



hate, culture, politics, the simbolic, discrimination, destruction, society, violence, the uncanny


The paper establishes an analogy between the pandemic of Covid-19 and what the author describes as a present pandemic of hate. He indicates that they both share internal causes, biological in one case and psychic and sociopolitical in the other, but the outbreak of both bears a close connection with the style of life that humanity has constructed itself. Situated in the subject of hate, the paper points at the psychic and social conditions that potentiate it and at possible forms of p rocessing it. For this purpose, the author refers to different historic-political examples, one of them through a Norwegian miniseries, 22 July. One of the challenges seems to be the capture of the lines of human pain and, based on that acknowledgement and assumption, the investigation and production of narrations contrary to what the society and culture expect, traversing the edges of the crevices where destruction and hate arise.


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Author Biography

  • Javier García Castiñeiras

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Pandemic of hate: How to combat discourses of hate?. (2021). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 133, 80-91.

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