Reflections on the Use of Space in the Analysis of the Child


  • Maren Ulriksen de Viñar


psicoanálisis de niños, transferencia, contratransferencia, angustia de separación, caso clínico


In relation to the analysis of a boy with developmental disharmonic disorders captured in a pathogenic family context, we analyze the use he makes of transferential space. Supporting himself in the analyst’s availability and the trust that emerges as he is listened to and accepted, he creatively invests the different “places” in the consulting room From the beginning, the analyst’s formulation of the suffering expressed in the maternal tongue, separates the confusion of language in its primary bonds, differentiates, separates, giving space to the emergence of the inedited metaphor, a new psychic place that inaugurales a new journey and ordering of time and space, an anchorage on which to construct his history. We can observe the change in the ludic discharge to the openness and display of new journeys, recognitions, memories that form so many others psychic spaces. Progressively, the investment of all places and surfaces, allows for the exercise of the pleasurable and confident creation of new metaphors, symbolic expression of his desire.


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Author Biography

  • Maren Ulriksen de Viñar

    Miembro Titular de APU


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How to Cite

Reflections on the Use of Space in the Analysis of the Child. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 8-20.

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