The harmonic-disharmonic axis in a link configuration
vínculo, pareja, familia, chivo expiatorioAbstract
In this paper, an attempt is made to place a linkage conflict within the context of the intolerance to what Ihave called the ―excessively different‖.The need to take into account the axis harmonious-disharmonious from the aesthetic point of view and the difficulty to share the aesthetic experience is underlined.Somedifferences are pointed out among the setting corresponding to the individual, couple, family or group analysis as well as the manner to cope with the conflict deriving from the production ofwhat may be called a ―discordant note‖.Descriptores:VINCULO / FAMILIA / PAREJA / CHIVO EXPIATORIOBibliografíaANZIEU, D. 1991-Le Groupeet l‟Inconscient; L‟imaginairegroupalParís, Dunod. 1991PUGET, J. 1987 -En la búsqueda de una hipótesis. Elcontexto socialDownloads
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