The Death and the Object


  • Javier García


muerte, objeto, duelo, alucinación


The author makes a sweep over the Freud's object notions (instinct, desire, love, choice, identification), adding the concepts of the Other and the real of J. Lacan. The object is defined as something that exists and it is built at the same time. The Death concept mentioned in this text does not correspond with the Death Instinct -Treib_, but with the real death that, as a subjective experience, it is always of other person. The reference is also of the talked death, available in stories and in general culture. The Real Death allows the author to make a difference according the Imaginary-Symbolical registers. Real of J. Lacan. He brings out the importance of the object image after the real death to bear the anguish and the pain of the loss (of the other and in the other). The dead person is nowhere (out of place or in the real), what can be seen are the remains. Usually these remains are required in order some element (memorial stone, monument, identification or others) may have a symbolical place (writing, signs, stories). The disconnection between the image, the real and the symbolical, take us to the psychosis. But all mourning when begins, has something crazy similar to psychosis but without being it. In the text there are some vignettes as example of these phenomenon of absence rejection (pseudo-psychotics: pseudodelusional and confuse) as well as a way of identification, all of them to relieve the pain-anguish of the absence in the real. The author also points out that the real loss is not replaceable and he states this referring to the desire of the other lost by his death or what the relative was for him.


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Author Biography

  • Javier García

    Miembro Titular de la APU


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