How we Spanish-Portuguese speakers read Freud fifty years after his death.
epistemología, psicoanálisisAbstract
In this paper, the authors emphasize the need to value the aspects of Freud which are alive rather than the historical nature of his contributions. In this sense, they have chosen to speak of Freud’s return, transformed under the effects of the presente socio-cultural framework and of the theoretical pluralism which allows for the rise of diferents ways to approach his writings.
Their reading must point to an adequate interplay among information, criticism and, as defined by the authors, an enlightening reading. Likewise, they stress the impact of the unconscious and of the transference on the access way which leads to a knowledge of Freud’s work, which requires a training analysis and implies a filiatory nature which favors the survival of the psychoanalytical
community but also implies a risk in terms of a certain dependency of thought, which might act as a stagnating element in the development of psychoanalysis. Regarding translations, there is a warring against the negative consequences that
might derive from a theoretical preference of translators or from their personal features. The final conclusions underline the fact that Freud returns as an essential interlocutor who both helps us to think of psychoanalysis did to develop a dialogue with the various present theoretical developments. We do frequently think as Freud: sometimes we think with Freud, and there are
times when we think without Freud.
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