The Dramatics of the Mirror


  • Natalia Mirza Labraga


mirror stage, Lacan, Jacques


Th is essay tries to follow some of the lines opened by Lacan in his conceptualization of the Mirror Stage. The «scene» that Lacan conceived around the mirror, starts on the recognition (cognitive and emotional) of himself by the infant, joyful discovery which anticipates a uniqueness that is not one yet. Th is is an imaginary identifi cation that is inscribed on an intense «libidinal dynamism», shot through the mother’s glaze that, at the same time, carries the symbolic dimension. Conceives the drama developed in front of the mirror as the metaphor for the movement itself that gives rise to the «i», as the embodiment of self observation, forming a paranoid, imaginary and narcissist. This is a model that realizes a way of thinking about the psyche and the origins of the self radically diff erent from the Freudian pose: asserting in the external and the other’s desire. Briefl y develops the characteristics of the self that are emerging with regard of these sources: runout and alienation in the other´s desire as a search engine, as well as the failures in the specularity that refers to the dual’s issue and the uncanny. Th is allows the opening to some refl ections on contemporary art and its relationship to the concept of the «fragmented body».


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Author Biography

  • Natalia Mirza Labraga

    Analista en formación en la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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