The Body in the Transsexual.


  • José Luis Brum


myth, phallic mother, Schreber, delirium, sexual identity, negative hallucination, perversion, transsexualism, clinical material


With reference to a case of masculine transsexuality, this subject is discussed from the point of view of different psychopathological conceptions, its theoretical and metapsychological implications and its connection with various theoreticalclinical problems in psychoanalytical praxis. Perversion? Psychosis? According to Stoller, in these cases the mother-child relationship does not allow the son's masculinity to emerge. Instead, a primary, early and unconflictive identity with the feminine gender takes place. The transsexual's desire is to have a body agreeing with his feminine psyche. The mother finds pleasure in this body due to her peculiar
ideal of a perfect phallus, her feminized son. Who is raving? The mother or the son? Is there a fusion without anxiety nor psychosis?
Safouan differentiates transsexuals from perverted patients in that the tetter carry out their design into reality and the former into the imaginary. The only thing which becomes phalluspharous for the transsexual is the mother's body, the other of the demand, which makes it impossible to overcome desire since it requires insatisfaction and prohibition. Only stripping off the penis, desire
would become accesible. In this paper the above stated psychopathological group is discussed by means of interviews and autobiographical material from a patient in whom one can find the corresponding clinical and theoretical elements which we intend to study. Then there is an analysis of Schreber's transsexual delirium (raving), starting out from his own Memories and continuing with Freud's comments on this pathology. Further on, primitive mothers and their features are studied as they appear throughout myths, tales, and in anthropology. Also, the different ways phallic mothers show themselves in the clinic (with their castration problems) and how these mothers affect their children's development is analized from both the strictly psychoanalytical point of view as wed as others. The image of such mothers and their role is compared with the fathers's, with emphasis on the meaning and consequences of their possible absence. Finally, the diverse structures of "masculine-feminine" are discussed such as they tend to appear in psychosis, perversion and neurosis.


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Author Biography

  • José Luis Brum

    Médico, Psiquiatra, Psicoanalista. Miembro Titular de APU


(1) Mémoires d'un neuropathe. Ed. du Seuil (pág. 58).

(2) Los trabajos de Robert Stoller son muy importantes para ubicar y delimitar esta entidad clínica. Ya lo plantea en un libro publicado en 1968, titulado "Sex and gender". Son accesibles los trabajos del mismo autor que figuran en la Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse (N.R. de P.) de los años 1971 y 1973, y su libro más reciente de 1975, titulado "La perversión" (Vol. 1-2 New York: Science House). Se puede decir que de 1968 a 1975 este autor no ha modificado significativamente su modo de pensar con respecto al tema.

(3) N.R. de P., N°. 4. Effets et formes de l'illusion: Création d'une illusión: l'extrême féminité chez les garçons, p. 73-94.

(4) N.R. de P., N°. 7. Bisexualité et différence de sexes: Faits et Hypothèses: un examen du concept freudien de bisexualité, pág. 135- 158.

(5) La Perversion - Forme Erotique de la Haine - Payot, París, p. 165-240.

(6) Estudios sobre el Edipo. Ed. Siglo XXI. Contribución al psicoanálisis del transexualismo. p. 77-100.

(7) La Otra Escena, Ed. Amorrortu, pág. 69.

(8) S. Freud: Observaciones psicoanalíticas de un caso de paranoia (dementia paranoides) autobiográficamente descrito, Standard Edition (S.E.), T.XII (I). El caso clínico, párrafo 14.

(9) S. Freud. S.E., T.II. Notas sobre un caso de paranoia - (III) Mecanismo de la paranoia - penúltimo párrafo.

(10) S. Freud. S.E., T. XI. Leonardo da Vinci y un recuerdo de su infancia, pág. 63, párrafo 138.

(11) B. Bettelheim: Psicoanálisis de los cuentos de hadas, Ed. Grijalbo, pág. 108.

(12) S. Freud. S.E., T. XIV, párr. 20 (llamada N°. 3).

(13) S. Freud. S.E., T. XIII. Fin de párrafo 9.

(14) Claude Lévi-Strauss: El totemismo hoy en día. Ed. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Breviarios, pág. 9 a 12.

(15) C. Lévi-Strauss - Antropología Estructural. Ed. Eudeba, pág. 196 y ss.

(16) Ed. Era S.A. Capítulo Vil: La Tierra, la mujer y la fecundidad, pág. 220 y ss.

(17) M. Eliade. Ed. Guadarrama: 2. Mefistófeles y el andrógino o el misterio de la totalidad, Significación de la Coincidentia Oppositorum. pág. 156.

(18) Ed. Guadarrama. Capítulo VI. Mitología, Ontología, Historia. La divinidad asesinada, pág. 114 y ss.

(19) S. Freud. S.E., T.XII I-IV - Numeral (5), párrafo 12. SUPPLEMENT IN ENGLISH OF THE REVISTA URUGUAYA DE PSICOANÁLISIS. A publication of the Uruguayan Psychoanalytic Association INDEX N° 61 THE SUBJECT: THE BODY Psycho-somatic illness in its positive arid negative aspects D.W. Winnicott . II. The place and rule of the body in psychoanalysis Francois.






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