The Psychosis and the Self-body about Schreber


  • Héctor Garbarino


Schreber, yo corporal, paranoia, esquizofrenia, homosexualidad, libido del yo, material clínico


For several years have studied psychoses starting out from the hypothesis that they come about from specific narcissistic disorders. Thus we have found it useful to differentiate the narcissistic libido from the sexual libido. We believe that the primary disorders are produced at the ego level and not at the object level, as Freud thought; and WC attribute such disorders to a pathology of primary identifications. With this pathology later on the ego makes a regression to the ego-body condition, i.e. an “oceanic” ego without any spatia-temporary limits. This occurs at the level of the psychotic’s schizophrenic part. As we believe we have demonstrated concerning the Schreber case, the side of the schizophrenic part there exists a paranoic part, which, contrary to the first one, keeps the bodily scheme with its spatial-temporary coordinates. The disorders at the level of the schizophrenic part, once the bodily scheme disintegrates, provide the material for raving (delirium) which the paranoic and the healthy part of’ the individual interpret and project, leading co paraphrenic raving.


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How to Cite

The Psychosis and the Self-body about Schreber. (1986). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 64, 54-69.

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