Study of the evolution of the object link between paranoid loss and depressive loss in the analysis of a phobic girl.


  • Mercedes Freire de Garbarino


fobia, objeto fobígeno, angustia de separación, control omnipotente, transferencia, psicoanálisis de niños, material clínico


The evolution of the object-relation is studied through the vicissitudes of the transfer-relation. For this purpose the analysis of a four-year-old girl is taken as an example. She suffered from a phobia of unknown people. She used her mother as an accompanying-object. The analyst became at once the phobic object, i. e. unknown people. These people represented the displacement of the father figure which the child placed in an uncle who suffered from phobia. The alternatives of the transfer-relation were the following: at the beginning it was a phobic one, as above mentioned. A persecution situation occurred almost immediately, which was overcome through analysis; then a new phobic stage was built up again. It developed slowly and steadily into an almost normal relation of the depressive type. It made it possible to analyze throughly the positive Oedipus complex which was the conflict which determined the use of the phobic defense. Another important element which is pointed out in this work is the different ways of experiencing the loss of the object. At the beginning of the treatment the relation was of the paranoid type: the child was afraid and would not admit the loss of her mother. But when the relation with the objet was not so phobic,
the loss was accepted and experienced with sorrow, i.e. on a depressive level. The importance of projective-introjective mechanisms is stressed upon, with regard to a good relation with the object and, as a consequence, for the normal working through of its loss.


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How to Cite

Study of the evolution of the object link between paranoid loss and depressive loss in the analysis of a phobic girl. (1961). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 4(4), 621-646.

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