Jouissance, speech, institutions and social ties

the eternal irony of the community. Antigone


  • Griselda Sánchez Zago


jouissance, kinship, incest, law, power, feminism, social bond


This text aims to question the suffering (jouissance) and action of Antigone, taking her as interlocutor in the task of the social bond and how the action of rebuking Creon to seek the burial of her brother could give an account of trying (or not) break the curse of incestuous repetition and becoming other thing. Questions are poured to be placed somewhere in the possible interpretations, jouissance, and social bond are knotted. Crossed all of this by the text of Judith Butler, The Scream of Antigone.


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Author Biography

  • Griselda Sánchez Zago

    Miembro de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Guadalajara y del Instituto Freudiano para el Estudio de
    las Prácticas Psicoanalíticas.


Butler, J. (2001). El grito de Antígona. Barcelona: El Roure.

Gourgouris, S. (2003). Does Literature Think? Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Guyomard, P. (1992). El goce trágico. Antígona, Lacan y el deseo del analista. Buenos Aires: La Flor.

Jones, H. (1994). Logh Library Series. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Loraux, N. (1998). Mothers in mourning. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.




How to Cite

Jouissance, speech, institutions and social ties: the eternal irony of the community. Antigone. (2019). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 128, 45-52.

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