Some problems of the analyst as a researcher.


  • María Nieto Grove


investigación, hipótesis, validación, insight, proceso psicoanalítico, yo


This paper deals with a task the author believes to be urgent, i.e. the revision of the methodology in psychoanalytical research work, in order to adapt the procedures and criteria of objectivation of knowledge to the nature of the peculiar object of psychoanalysis: the analytic bi-personal relationship.
The central theme of this paper is constituted by some of the problems concerning validation in psychoanalysis.
The first part deals with the means or general procedures susceptible of giving a certain guaranty of validity: the observation of logical rules of thought and, particularly, the application of the method of deductive hypotheses. Certain modalities and difficulties proper to the application of this method to the field of psychoanalytical research work are examined at each step of the method.
Some questions are asked regarding observation: what is its object, i.e. what should be considered as a “fact” in psychoanalysis? What are the factors which may modify observation (influence of the analyst’s frame of reference, existence of blind points, etc.).
With regard to the formulation of hypotheses, one considers the conditions required by a “good” hypothesis (stated for instance in terms of bipersonal relationship instead of the patient only).
The step of verification faces us with the most arduous problem, the one of criteria. In the second part of this paper the author considers the criterion intrinsic to the analytic situation itself, i.e. the evidence it can provide concerning the validity of interpretations, the appearance of certain modifications in the field of the inter-relationship analyst-patient.
Insight in particular is then examined, as a criterion for validity “par excellence”. This leads the author to give some precisions about insight, its characteristics and, particularly, the analyst’s participation in it.
Finally one considers the existence of a pathology of the insight, which can produce a bi-personal pseudo-insight.
This wonk ends with a series of conclusions, the normative modality of which is explained by the logical character of the questions treated


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How to Cite

Some problems of the analyst as a researcher. (1965). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 7(1), 5-27.

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