The analyst in front of the mirror


  • Lya Tourn


place of the analyst, fort-da, double, fellow person, death instinct, clinical material


The paper aims at providing a perspective of both the Freudian and the Lacanian vision of the mirror, indicating some misunderstandings and oversights which the Lacanian theory of the mirror identification has given
rise to. The place the mirror has for each analyst depends both on his theoretical references and also on his own mirror itinerary regarding his models and teachers.


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Author Biography

  • Lya Tourn

    Doctora en Psicopatología Fundamental y Psicoanálisis (París VII), psicoanalista, miembro asociada
    de la Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne (París). 


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How to Cite

The analyst in front of the mirror. (2014). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 119, 129-142.

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